My Questionaire
This week I wrote my preliminary questionnaire. My first attempt was definitely too open-ended for an online survey and would result in too much qualitative data that would be difficult for me to analyze. Whilst my aim was to get anecdotes from my participants it's best that my questionnaire be less open-ended with just a few free-form questions. I'll go back and restructure the questions to be more Likert scale or multiple choice - with the option for my participants to add their own respondents.
Children's book survey
I surveyed several picture books this week, including the four I have about birthmarks and a couple from the amazon lists I previously mentioned in my blog. A lot of the books I managed to borrow from the library from these lists were not really applicable to what I wanted to survey so I discarded them from my study. However three fit my requirements, they were "Just Ask!" by Sonia Sotomayor, "Giraffes Can't Dance" by Giles Andreae, and "We're All Wonders" by RJ Palacio. Using a table I compared these for different themes, target audiences, representation, and plots. Although some of the other books I picked up from the library didn't fit the criteria for this study it was still educational to read some highly recommended picture books. You really can tell when you're reading a well-written children's book! I think it will be beneficial for me to continue reading well-recieved books until I start writing.