Refining questionnaire questions

This week I worked on finalising my questionaire questions. As I’m trying to make the qualitative questions that I wrote last week more quantitive it was suggested to me that I should employ Likert scales into my questionnaire. After a bit of massaging and redirecting I feel like I’ve gotten my questionnaire to a place where its a good length and doesn’t contain too many open ended questions. It was also pointed out to me that it would probably be beneficial for me to employ interviews for the first stage of my research, to gauge issues and identify themes and then use a questionnaire during the feedback/user testing stage of my project. This would be a fantastic way to conduct my project and I hope I fit it into my schedule.
Planning for the final project

This week I also began planning for my final project from Design Research Methods which is a pilot project. Whilst I was originally intimidated by this assignment when I originally read about it in the rubric but in speaking to my teacher it turns out to be a pretty fun assignment. For this assignment I’m planing to come up with a couple of potential plots for my book, some character sketches to explore a feasible rendering style and a full two page spread to explore a potential layout style for the book. I’m really looking forward to having free reign to explore an illustrated double page spread.
Living with birthmarks research
I did a little bit more reading this week focussing on the experiences of others living with birthmarks. This include this story from Vice interviewing different people and their experiences with living with birthmarks and this interview from Rady Children’s Hospital with the boy behind ”Buddy Boobies Birthmark”.

I’m also looking into autoethnography this week as it will be part of my final project.